Jenny Forrester’s Substack
Jenny Forrester’s Substack First Podcast
Friday Night Writing: 'Splaining Less, Writing More and Storytelling Better

Friday Night Writing: 'Splaining Less, Writing More and Storytelling Better

Saying less, saying no more than necessary, analyzing and synthesizing...

There’s a reason that good writing goes with good reading. It’s not just for exposure to various structures. It’s so we become bigger (better) thinkers.

First make a little list: 3 beautiful words. Beautiful sonically, visually, or ideally.

I used to need a drink to write, now I get a glass of glacial water. It ROCKS.

For tonight, set your timer for ten minutes. For those ten minutes, think of three to five stories you’ve been wanting to write. These could be lectures to the world you’ve been wanting to have, rants on social media you want to have but have pulled back (or maybe not!), or anything else that’s on your writerly mind.

When the timer goes off, grab a book off of your shelf and see how big the thoughts are and what went into the thought process for writing a favorite paragraph.

Now, it’s your turn. Choose one story.

Set the timer for one minute. Make a short list of cinematic scenes you could write for that sotry. Choose one scene. Then drink your yummy water or what have you. Important to stay hydrated. You know?

Now, set your timer again for ten minutes.

Write that scene. Include your brilliant dialogue, really letting the characters (people!) speak for themselves in the fashion they speak. Include descriptions of an object in the scene and lots of sensory detail. If I can’t sense it with my own senses, work it so that I can. As your reader using my imagination to make pictures (experiences) of your words.

When the timer goes off, sleep well!

Saturday, set your timer for ten minutes after reading these directions. Extend the story with more dialogue, description, and lots of sensory detail. Include specific names of things, ie. it’s not a car, it’s a red 1965 Mustang with a black arrow pinstripe and the interior is trashed due to raccoon shenanigans. How can you elevate the story intellectually? Morally? What’s underneath that you can go deeper with?

Sunday morning, set your timer for five minutes after reading the directions. Reread what you have. Is there a way to write it again with ten to twenty fewer words, ie. does the story need to know about the raccoon shenanigans? Are there any sentences you don’t need? Throughout the day, return to it, see what else you can cut or condense. Always keep what you love and would hate to get rid of. Maybe think about why you’d hate to get rid of it, why you love it so.

Submit it somewhere when it’s ready, after a few more drafts!

Maybe send it to Mountain Bluebird Magazine! Issue seven will be coming out in early, 2025 and there might be room for you <3

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Jenny Forrester’s Substack
Jenny Forrester’s Substack First Podcast
If I could memorize would be... and other thoughts from the new work notebook. From my personal Substack, thanks for reading my soft-hearted and wide-sky thoughts...